Gifts From the Heart Christmas Shop is a joint partnership program that understands families, including ones of very modest means, prefer to provide for themselves rather than accept a handout. Gifts From the Heart Christmas Shop offers a quality and affordable Christmas shopping opportunity to the parents of the children served by Neighbor Up Brevard, Family Promise of Brevard, and Community of Hope because every family member deserves the joy that comes with the holiday season.
To follow along this Christmas season, head to our Facebook page here.
Gifts From the Heart Christmas Shop needs the generous support of our community to stock the shelves with enough items to provide at least three (3) NEW gifts each to the over 300 children served by the partner organizations.
Donate monetarily (all donations will go directly towards gifts for our community)
Buy gifts and bring them directly to Neighbor Up Brevard or Sorensen Moving & Storage (Melbourne location)
Why Give?
Each gift purchased is, in essence, two gifts – a gift for the child and the gift of joy and an affirmation of dignity for the parent.
Yet there is still one more gift – the joyful blessing donors to the program receive, knowing that they help not only to make Christmas possible for the children, but made affording Christmas possible for the parents! It is no wonder that the watchwords inspiring the Gifts From the Heart Christmas Shop come from the lips of Jesus himself who said “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” (Acts 20:35b, NIV).
Our Partner Organizations
With gratitude to our storage sponsor, Sorensen Moving & Storage.